Overall and Final Verdict

Remember Me is an ambitious project to be sure. The combat is one of the most in-depth systems I have had the pleasures of playing in quite a while and the customizability ensures it will never be a stale experience no matter the skill level of the player. The Memory Remixing system is a very interesting gameplay mechanic and, unfortunately, is only used a very limited amount of times throughout the game. It would have been nice to see more memory remixing present with it being the centerpiece system.

RememberMe 28

The platforming is nothing special but it does work and operates fluidly with the addition of Sensen and never having to wonder which ledge to jump to next but still manages to feel more like a filler mechanic than anything on its own. The exploration is there to a minor degree and while rewarding feels more like collecting glowing things in alcoves along the way as opposed to any real exploration.

RememberMe 9

The camera is the real downfall in Remember Me. Ruining what would overall be an enjoyable experience with moments of sheer headache-inducing visuals and disorienting blurs. Luckily the camera has managed to be engineered to keep such things out of the fast paced combat but it reaks havoc during every other section in the game and personally limited me to short testing sessions before needing to close the game to readjust my eyes.

RememberMe 33

Is Remember Me perfect? No. Is it memorable? Yes. I’ve tried to avoid the easy pun throughout this review but the fact of the matter the game is just that, memorable. The setting and characters are unique ideas and the IP is fresh and new. In much the same way EA’s Mirrors Edge garnered a polarized cult follow I feel the Remember Me has the same potential. If you can work past or manage to stand the camera issues I would sincerely suggest giving Remember Me a try.


Author Bio
Author: William
Review and Event Staff
William is the newest addition to both the Review and Event staff. Being in charge of power, hopefully you have to see very little of him during our lans. Outside of lans he can be found engaging in his unhealthy obsession with all things gaming in between writing the odd review and bothering Wes at all hours of the day. An avid gamer nearly all his life, it is common for the latest MMO release to cause him to drop off the face of the Earth for a week or two.

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Deb0's Avatar
Deb0 replied the topic: #31605 01 Jul 2013 23:04
Bad puns abound, is Remember Me memorable?
Myndmelt's Avatar
Myndmelt replied the topic: #31614 02 Jul 2013 17:58

After seeing the cover of this game for the first time, my though was.."Remember Me, not sure how I could forget with dat ass front and center like that !"
Deb0's Avatar
Deb0 replied the topic: #31616 02 Jul 2013 22:31
I'd also like to add in for anyone here that may be interested or just loves good music, Dontnod is hosting a music remix competition with Remember Me's soundtrack.

Lersar's Avatar
Lersar replied the topic: #33836 31 Jan 2014 15:18

"Dontnod Entertainment—the developer for the Capcom-published action game—has filed for bankruptcy, according to various French video game news sites."

Bummer. I've been playing this recently and really, really enjoying it.
Deb0's Avatar
Deb0 replied the topic: #33839 31 Jan 2014 19:54
I thought it was a very neat concept. Unfortunately the game bounced around in development hell, had 2 different publishers and was completely redesigned halfway through and went way over budget. This seemed inevitable but it still sucks.

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