We just can’t seem to charge our gadget batteries enough these days. Whether on the go or simply during our day to day routines we are always on the lookout for ways to keep our phones and tablets from dying on us. Recently, I reviewed a portable, high capacity battery that offered the ability to charge our devices on the go and today I am back again with another. This time I take a look at the Neptor NP056K portable battery pack from Eagle Tech to see if this emerging market for pocket USB chargers is a competitive one or merely the latest fad.

Product Name: Neptor NP056K Portable Battery Pack

Review Sample Provided By: Eagle Tech

Review By: Debo

Pictures By: Debo




Neptor NP056K



Battery Type


USB Output

2xUSB 2.0 (1.0A and 2.1A)

Recharge Time

5 ~ 7 Hours


5V, 1A


101 x 49 x 25mm


About 5oz (141.8g)


Built in LED flashlight



The NP056K comes in a pretty basic box with a front opening simply meant to show off the main battery pack. This is nice because this particular model comes in an assortment of colors and as you can see, Eagle Tech was nice enough to provide us with a review sample in fitting LanOC orange. Other than the device color, the front of the package lets us know the battery pack was designed for use with both tablets and smartphones.

Neptor 8

Flipping over to the back of the package, we are introduced to the NP056K’s written information from and overview of the product to the features and specifications. A few things of note here are the built in LED flashlight to help out in the dark and the sheer size of the device with the battery pack coming in at much smaller dimensions then most smartphones and only weighing 5 ounces.

Neptor 9

Cracking open the Neptor’s packaging we finally get our hands on the battery, itself, as well as the bundled accessories which are all colored to match the battery. Included is a matching attachable wristband that further insinuates the NP056K’s portability, a super thin USB to micro USB cable that serves to charge the battery pack and the user’s manual.

Neptor 7

Neptor 2

Overview and Features

The Neptor battery excels in portability by coming in measurably smaller than most smartphones and in an extremely light 5oz. package. Perfectly sized for your pocket or purse, there is no reason to not be without power at a moment’s notice.

The front face where the charging ports are located is quite compact but there is still quite a bit happening. The two USB ports are marked differently for a reason, while both will charge your lower draw devices such as cell phones only the port marked 2.1Amp is intended to charge higher drain devices such as tablets. The little bulb in the center of the USB pair is a handy LED light for when you find yourself in the dark.

Neptor 5

Only the left side of battery we find the power button clearly displayed. While one press will commence charging and allow you to check the Neptor’s charge status, two will turn on the included LED flashlight to let you see the USB ports you may be plugging in to or anything you point the battery at making it handy in a pinch.

Neptor 6

The left side is where the batteries own charging port is located and the top is where we find the Neptor’s status indicator. Much like the Luxa2 portable battery, four small blue LEDs serve this purpose with all four being lit on a full charge and a single blinking one meaning you’re out of stored power.

Neptor 4

Neptor 3


Being a portable battery, the NP056K’s primary function is to charge USB devices. While it accomplishes this quite well, it only has a single port available to charge tablets and the like. This isn’t an issue for most but I would have still liked to see more flexibility there. As it stands though, the Neptor battery can handle a pair of smart phones at the same time with ease and the charging speed on the 2.1A port is extremely fast though it does appear to drain the battery faster.

As you can imagine, the full charging time on these portable batteries is quite long and the Neptor is no different taking an average of around 4-5 hours to reach its full 5600mAh capacity when plugged into one of my PC’s USB 3.0 ports. That being said, The NP056K shows the same power efficiency I noticed in the Luxa2 P1 with its ability to maintain a charge for extended periods of time when left to sit and do nothing. After a week of lying on my desk that battery still reports the same charge and is ready for action with a single press of the power button. The ability to act as emergency power is an amazing addition.

My Droid 4 was once again without its battery as I put the Neptor’s longevity to the test and it didn’t disappoint. Serving as my phone’s sole power source for a shade over three days, this little battery impressed me especially with a smaller capacity then the previously reviewed Luxa2 offering. Of course the charging capacity is dependent on what you are charging as well as other things such as how long you use the built in LED flashlight so there are some variables to account for.

The 2.1Amp port meant for tablets serves its intended purpose but as I previously mentioned, charging power hungry devices with the Neptor results in a shorter lifetime for that particular charge. Still, in a pinch, it will provide you the power you need.

Overall and Final Verdict

As a portable charging solution I was satisfied with the Neptor NP056K. Its small form and light design were great to see and the assortment of colors makes it feel like a true accessory to any device or personality. The whole package feels solid and well-built with the inclusion of a built in LED flashlight feeling like functionality icing on the cake.

Neptor 1

The only thing I would have liked to see is the ability to charge a pair of tablets at the same time for more versatility. We would all like to see shorter charging times for portable batteries like these but I have come to accept the need of an overnight charge as long as the battery is able to provide a few days of charging power between its own recharging.

This time around, I feel the price point and battery capacity are spot on. The inclusion of extra functionality beyond the charging station makes the Neptor NP056K’s package feels more like a must have accessory rather than just a smaller, more portable charging station and that kind of appeal really gives it a leg up on the competition.


Author Bio
Author: William
Review and Event Staff
William is the newest addition to both the Review and Event staff. Being in charge of power, hopefully you have to see very little of him during our lans. Outside of lans he can be found engaging in his unhealthy obsession with all things gaming in between writing the odd review and bothering Wes at all hours of the day. An avid gamer nearly all his life, it is common for the latest MMO release to cause him to drop off the face of the Earth for a week or two.

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Deb0's Avatar
Deb0 replied the topic: #32252 16 Aug 2013 00:06
Eagle Tech throws their hat into the mobile battery pack rign with the Neptor NP056K.

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