In Game Performance

Much like in our 3DMark testing we did see the cooling help with the boost in some games that we benchmark with over the EVGA card. We also found a few benchmarks like Dirt 3, Battlefield 3, and Crysis 2 that didn’t react this way. In those cases the game may not be stressing the card as much to get it as hot, or it’s possible that GPU Boost may not boost as much in those games.

Beyond just looking at its performance against our other GTX 660 the performance of the MSI Twin Frozr OC is impressive. With almost every game coming in at around FPS or more including demanding games like Crysis 2 and Battlefi3ld 3 we are pleased with where this fits in. There are obviously faster models to consider, but when you are looking for the best possible value, generally you aim to get everything you need and nothing that you don’t, this card does that.

wm batman

wm bf3

wm crysis2dx9

wm crysis2dx11

wm dirt3

wm dirtshowdown

wm f12011

wm metro2033dx10

wm metro2033dx11

wm shogun2

wm sniperv2

wm streetfighter

wm unreal


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garfi3ld's Avatar
garfi3ld replied the topic: #27950 13 Sep 2012 17:02
the MSI GTX 660 Twin Frozr 2GB OC
L0rdG1gabyt3's Avatar
L0rdG1gabyt3 replied the topic: #28077 21 Sep 2012 16:02
I directed one of my store customers to this site to look at the reviews on the GTX660s. Based on your review, and my professional opinion, he purchased this card!

This is not the first time I've recommended a customer here, and it resulted in a purchase. Thanks Wes for the great work.

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