normal Corsair Vengeance Lineup Part one - Keyboards

26 Jul 2012 00:33 #26496 by garfi3ld

titleEvery once in a while you find a company that is able to take a normal product that everyone has and change it in a way that makes everyone wonder why it was never done before. As much as it pains me to say this, Apple was one of those companies. In the pc components business there are a few as well, but the company that stands out the most to me would be Corsair. Every time corsair enters a new market, I find myself impressed with what they have to offer. Even though it seems like they are always jumping into random markets, they take their time and research what everyone has to offer and what people would really want to see. This week we are going to take a look at their new Vengeance lineup of mice and keyboards to see if they have done the same in these new markets. Today we are going to start with their new keyboards, let’s dig in and see what they are all about.



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26 Jul 2012 01:57 #26497 by garfi3ld
A little late in the day today, but a look at Corsairs keyboard offerings. Enjoy :)


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