normal Sapphire HD 7770 GHz Edition FleX Edition

12 Sep 2012 19:03 #27931 by garfi3ld

titleSapphires selection of cards for the HD 7000 series has been impressive to say the least. On top of having stock and overclocked versions of every model, they also have a few different models like the Vapor-X and FleX, each serving a different purpose. The vapor-X models having ungraded cooling and their FLeX models have improved support for multiple monitors. We have taken a look at everything else from their HD 7770 lineup; it’s only natural that we take a look at the HD 7770 as well. We know that FleX cards can be great deals for people looking for a cheaper way to run multiple monitors without having to pick up active Displayport adapters or Displayport monitors, let’s take a look at the HD 7770 FleX and see if it holds up to the FleX name.



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12 Sep 2012 19:29 #27932 by garfi3ld
Sapphires latest FleX model


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