
The NH-C14’s packaging is very similar to the NH-D14’s that we tested last from Noctua, but still world apart from what we are used to seeing from Noctua. With an almost all white design the packaging is bright and catches your eye easily. Along the front there is a small photo that gives you a little bit of an idea of what to of the heatsink inside. Up on the top Noctua was nice enough to include a full specification listing. This is great to help you compare if you’re in the store. Around on the side they have a nice diagram showing the different fan configurations and how it effects the NH-C14’s height. Along with that each of the diagrams show all of the dimensions to make sure you won’t have any clearance issues when you get it home.

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Inside the heatsink is tucked away in cardboard box along with another white box containing all of the NH-C14’s accessories. Inside we see Noctua’s attention to detail. Everything is divided up in different plastic bags that are labeled. The instruction book is similar with AMD and Intel instructions divided and placed on different sides. They even include a screwdriver to help with the installation, something that I have come to use a lot using the NH-C14 on our test bench. Noctua’s attention to detail is especially apparent in the “Common Parts” bag. Their case badge alone is a world above anything else you will find from any other manufacture. You also get different adapters to adjust the speed on the fans, always a nice touch.

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garfi3ld's Avatar
garfi3ld replied the topic: #21080 25 Nov 2011 18:58
Something to consider picking up on Black Friday

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