The Challenger Pro comes housed inside a board length box that features action shots set against a metal background. On the front, a few feature badges are positioned to catch the consumer’s eye, along with ‘eSports’ here and there to call attention to Tt’s excursion into competitive gaming. The front flap folds open to reveal more information on the board in a thumbnail fashion.



 Inside, the Challenger Pro rests in a fabric sleeve which can be reused for transporting it to and from LAN parties and tournaments. The instructional insert is about the only accessory that isn’t in a pouch, as you’ll notice two additional packages in either corner underneath the board.



 The first contains the USB cable, which is independent of the board, and the small 30mm fan (which we’ll discuss further in the Performance section). The second bag holds a collection of replacement keys: red WASD and directional arrows, as well two caps to replace keys often hit on accident, such as the Windows key. A key-remove tool has also been included to prevent damage of yourself and your new keyboard.



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Arxon's Avatar
Arxon replied the topic: #16372 30 Jun 2011 01:16
picture of it glowing in a dark room would have been nice.
garfi3ld's Avatar
garfi3ld replied the topic: #16373 30 Jun 2011 01:20
Thanks for the feedback we should be able to get that photo and add it to the review. The only problem with a dark shot is it really doesn't show what the keyboard will look like in person. Normally it will come out over saturated and will make even the dimmest back lighting look bright.
Wingless92's Avatar
Wingless92 replied the topic: #16374 30 Jun 2011 04:54
Nice write up Adam.

Just wondering though, with the G15 pretty much king of keyboards why would anyone use anything else?

I do like this though. I just think the price is a tad high.
Lersar's Avatar
Lersar replied the topic: #16375 30 Jun 2011 07:07

Arxon wrote: picture of it glowing in a dark room would have been nice.

Yes usually photos without flash don't do the product justice, and flash of course defeats the purpose. I'll try to snap one for you though, it does have a nice underglow to it.

Wingless92 wrote: Nice write up Adam.

Just wondering though, with the G15 pretty much king of keyboards why would anyone use anything else?

Thanks! It can be somewhat difficult since keyboards especially are typically very similar in nature. Brand preference comes in to play I'm sure, and the mechanics of the keys are a big thing as well.

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