
The packaging for the Sensei Fnatic follows the same styling as previous SteelSeries mice, with the black and grey background. You do get a good photo of the mouse itself right on the front along with a Fnatic Limited Edition logo up in the top right corner. You can open the front of the box up and actually get your hands on the mouse to get a feel for its shape and size. Inside there is also a little section talking about Fnatic itself just in case you haven’t heard of them.

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It is around on the back of the box that you will really find more about the mouse itself. SteelSeries has highlighted a few of its key features and put them in four different languages. There are a few photos of the mouse as well including pictures of the LCD screen on the bottom of the mouse that you can’t see through the front window. Up above the photos they also slipped in a specification listing as well something you rarely see on mice.

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Inside, along with the Sensei Fnatic, you also get a quick start guide, a small info packet about SteelSeries, and a SteelSeries sticker as well.

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garfi3ld's Avatar
garfi3ld replied the topic: #33353 22 Nov 2013 13:32
Hey everyone, for today we have a quick look at the Fnatic version of the Sensei from SteelSeries. This is especially fitting for us because we are spending the weekend at MLG checking out the DOTA2 tournament with SteelSeries. Fnatic does have a DOTA 2 team. we will be seeing them and there competitors, like Na'vi, at MLG

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