In Game Performance

In game performance once again falls in line with what we would expect from any HD 7770 GHz Edition. Those of you who haven’t seen how well they perform would be impressed with their overall performance in most games. Most of the benchmarks we ran show performance well over 60 FPS, the golden standard for smooth framerates. Battlefield 3 comes in at just under 30 FPS meaning at full settings and 1080p like we test you will see playable frame rates, but those who want things to be a little smoother would want to adjust a few settings down. I will say that in my testing I found it to be more than playable in BF3 for me.

wm batman

wm bf3

wm crysis2dx9

wm crysis2dx11

wm dirt3

wm f12011

wm metro2033dx10

wm metro2033dx11

wm shogun2

wm streetfighter

wm unrealheaven


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garfi3ld replied the topic: #27932 12 Sep 2012 19:29
Sapphires latest FleX model

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